"The chalice of benediction which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? For we, being many, are one bread, one body: all that partake of one bread." (1 Cor 10:16-17)
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Dark Comedy
What's wrong with this? The show has once again successfully chipped away at the sensibilities of many viewers. What is outrageous was portrayed as outrageously funny. What was serious was portrayed as trivial. And because the subject was couched as comedy, the quasi-experience of the viewers ensure that the kid's behavior will be filed away in their minds under "funny" or "ho-hum" -- and will be recalled as such should this behavior ever be observed firsthand or from afar, e.g., told from another person's experience. A year ago, when I first encountered this "outrageously funny" series, my reaction was frustration. I knew several sensible people who found the show funny, and they're not aware that they are trivializing the seriously scandalous topics that was standard comic fare whenever they enjoyed the show. So my question really touches upon how human beings reach conclusions or form opinions about things. Without any contrivance, we can form very good conclusions and opinions about things based on firsthand experience, e.g., "Ouch, that hurts so I'll be more careful next time." Contrived quasi-experiences, by way of what we read about or watch on TV, can also be good in teaching us things, e.g., "perhaps I should also be more careful so that (which I've just read about) doesn't happen to me or the people I love." However, the contrivance in a show where adultery and even murder are portrayed as funny is dangerous because of the quasi-experience in having viewed that under the pretext of entertainment. You really do get confronted with the situation as portrayed on TV, but the way it is portrayed affects your judgment. One might never get involved in an adulterous relationship, but the quasi-experience of watching everyone on TV having one can certainly affect one's conscience. Everybody's doing it so what's the big deal? So when your brother or your sister or your best friend become adulterous, what will you tell them? Will there be enough shock and outrage to bring to mind the suffering and heartache experienced by their betrayed spouse or their children? Or will your mind react the same way it does when the same sort of development happens on your favorite dark comedy series? Will you grieve for the tragedy or will you shrug off just another fact of life (as seen on TV)?
I wonder...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Da Brown Antidote
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Way To Go!
MANILA, Philippines, February 21, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The bishops of the Philippines have responded emphatically to growing pressure from anti-life activists, calling for accountability from Catholics on moral issues.
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) have rallied Catholic leaders throughout the country to educate parishioners on the immorality of artificial birth control methods, in response to a concerted onslaught by population control advocates. .... In response, the bishops have called for greater accountability from parishioners on moral issues. Those Catholics who promote or utilize artificial birth control methods may not be able to receive communion or other sacraments. The bishops have instituted a course for parishioners on the fundamentals of Church teaching, called the Basic Ecclesiastical Communities seminar. Catholics are required to take the course, which runs for eight consecutive Sundays, before receiving sacraments for themselves or their children, and upon entering adulthood. The course includes teachings on the basics of the faith, Bible study, Christian leadership, family and life apostles, salvation history, and the changing Church. Sister Regina Arguelles of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who works with the CBCP in offering the seminars, said the Catholic bishops have been alarmed by the “continuing moral decay” that was eating up the society. The bishops are firm on the necessity of participating in the seminars before being allowed to receive sacraments. “That’s the idea. That’s exactly the Church’s message. If you want to be a Catholic, act like one and follow the Church’s teachings,” Sister Arguelles said. |
Harsh, you say? Too much weighing in of authority? That may seem to be the case, but these, our fathers in faith, are besieged by entities like the United Nations and corporate giants who sell contraceptives and abortificents, including RU-486. They're pushing it on a country where the life of the unborn is protected quite explicitly in the constitution! That's not stopping them, however, so drastic measures seem to be called for. When one's children start behaving heinously (yes, because abortion is, after all, an act of murder for Catholics), then drastic measures are called for.
Like any father, I can only wish that things did not have to come to this, but they have, and something has got to be done. Otherwise, we might find ourselves following in the path of the United States, with over 30 million legal abortions performed over a span of 33 years.
The Daily Gospel
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Called and Gifted Workshops in Melbourne, Australia
By your baptism and Confirmation you have been called and gifted by God to fulfill a unique vocation.
Discerning your gifts can be a major clue in determining God’s plan for your life, as well as your role in God’s plan for humanity.
Catherine of Siena Institute The Called and Gifted workshop is a program of the CALLED AND GIFTED WORKSHOP 2006 The Called and Gifted Workshop has been developed by the Catherine of Siena Institute as a tool for helping Catholics discern their spiritual gifts. The program helps participants sort through their life experiences to identify patterns that may indicate a charism. The Called and Gifted Workshop is suitable for all Christians seeking to deepen their relationship with God. It is also helpful for those seeking direction in changing circumstances.
The Called and Gifted Workshop will be presented at various locations across Melbourne in 2006. FRIDAY MARCH 3: 6.30PM - 9.00 PM & SATURDAY MARCH 4: 9.00AM - 4.00PM
Where: 278 Victoria Parade East Melbourne
Presenters: Clara Geoghegan, Lorraine McCarthy and team
Cost: $80.00 includes materials, supper/morning & after noon tea/lunch.
FRIDAY MAY 19: 6.30 P M - 9.00PM & SATURDAY MAY 20: 9.00AM - 4.00PM
Where: St Mar y’s Par ish, Greensborough
Presenters: Clara Geoghegan, Lorraine McCarthy and team
FRIDAY MAY 26: 6.30 P M - 9.00P M & SATURDAY MAY 27: 9.00AM - 4.00PM
Where: St Joseph’s Parish, Boronia
Presenters: Clara Geoghegan, Lorraine McCarthy and team
FRIDAY AUGUST 25: 6.30PM - 9.00PM & SATURDAY AUGUST 26: 9.00AM - 4.00PM
Where: St Joseph’s Parish, Chelsea
Presenters: Clara Geoghegan, Lorraine McCarthy and team
For all enquiries please contact: Clara Geoghegan
by phone on: 9412 3343
or email at cgeoghegan@melbourne.catholic.org.au
And spread the word. Here's the flyer (Adobe PDF file --
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Daily Gospel
Today the Church celebrates : The Chair of St Peter, apostle Commentary from Saint Augustine : “Your name shall be Peter” (Jn 1:42)
Friday, February 17, 2006
Abortion Advocacy Tactics 101
- Fudge up figures. For example:
'Dr Lennon pointed out that the Senate enquiry on RU486 reported (8/2/06) that Reproductive Choice Australia had many factual flaws in provided information on their website. The Senate enquiry also noted that many of its affiliate organisations had used this flawed information in their submissions.
The report identified what it described as "factually incorrect claims" by the RCA such as the adverse drug event rate for RU486 is very low at 0.137% and Claratyne (antihistamine) has an adverse drug event rate of 12% - over 87 times higher than mifepristone.
In correcting the misinformation by Reproductive Choice Australia, the Senate committee report stated comparing all reported adverse events for each drug would give a 96% rate for RU486 based on the US Clinical trials(2) which is 8 times higher than the 12 % adverse event rate for Claratyne. (Read more..) - Forget evidence -- make this up as a civil rights issue. For example:
'Russo explained that the Christchurch study would have no effect on the APA's position because "to pro-choice advocates, mental health effects are not relevant to the legal context of arguments to restrict access to abortion."' That's Dr. Nancy Felipe Russo, asked to comment on the New Zealand study concluding that 'abortion was clearly linked to elevated rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior.' (Read more...) - Make up urban legends. For example:
'Dr Bernard Nathanson, joint founder of NARAL in the US (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws) admitted when he changed his mind about abortion that the drive to legalise abortion was based on lies. He said: "We aroused enough sympathy to sell our program of permissive abortion by fabricating the number of illegal abortions done annually in the US. The actual figure was approaching 100,000 but the figure we gave to the media repeatedly was 1,000,000. Repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public. The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually. The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000." (Bernard Nathanson, Confessions of an Ex-Abortionist)' (Read more... or view videos of interviews with Dr. Nathanson -- video requires a codec which I couldn't find)
A Sad Day: Parliament Passes RU486
Pharmacist and Author of “A Consumers Guide to the Pill and Other Drugs” has today raised concerns about the TGA’s ability to exercise authority over RU486 if it is approved. “Initially, the TGA will rely on the overseas (sic) trials and data provided by applicants that has been proven to be seriously flawed,” Mr Wilks said. “But worse, if RU486 is approved, there seems to be an apparent incapacity by the TGA to exercise authority over a drug once approval has been given. “My own experiences with material I have supplied to the TGA support the view that it does not appear competent to act in the best health interests of Australians.” It is clear that once approval is given for a drug, the authority of the TGA appears in practice to diminish. |
Actually this is all in the spirit of misdirection. Age-old tactic, still in use by lobbyists and politicians: when the going gets tough, change the topic, or make something up. Or ridicule your opponent's religion.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Leper Unclean
In both the first and the Gospel readings, we are faced with two approaches to lepers. They were outcast in the Old Testament, and as was explained in the Sunday homily at our parish, the priest acts as a judge to decide whether someone afflicted with suspected leprosy actually had it and must therefore live apart. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ our High Priest acts as a healer. In stark contrast with the casting out of lepers in the first reading, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the leper. He didn't have to. With but a thought and a declaration, he could have cured the leper as he had done a number of times. But here, where it would perhaps raise the most eyebrows, he touches the afflicted. Our Lord is trying to tell us something. As our deacon explained in his homily, compassion makes another person's pain one's own. It is more than sympathy, because compassion is about getting involved, a personal investment, and it actually does something about the situation.
Please also check out Fr. Paul Scalia explaining these readings over at Catholic Exchange. Dr. Marcelino D'Ambrosio also provides reflections on suffering based on this story in the Gospels. As always, CE provides insightful reading.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Days of Infamy
Last night on TV a young woman (couldn't have been older than 18) was wearing, and reciting, these shameful words: "keep your rosaries off my ovaries." Imported from Planned Parenthood, I believe -- both the crass line as well as the time-tested tactic to obscure the debate by making people believe that this is a matter of religion or ideology. It is not. As with any abortion method, this is a matter of life and death. RU-486 is particularly dangerous as its dangers have been verified.
I'm amazed that the senators of Australia could be so nonchalant in dismissing the findings of medical experts about the deaths conclusively found to have been caused by RU-486. How many? There's this doctor's findings about ten cases so far, but I think the number has gone up to 11 as of last year. Not to mention unreported cases and excluded cases where the mother developed but survived the various complications. Fatal infections? Heart attacks? Septic shock? Ruptured tubes? Did the senators consider these at all?
The RU486 pill is medically unsafe. Overseas, RU486 has been associated with the deaths of 10 women. Experience shows that many women who use RU486 suffer excruciating pain – excessive bleeding, sometimes haemorrhaging. Vomiting and diarrhoea are also common. Italy, has reaffirmed their ban. Canada suspended approval for RU486 after their trial of it because of the death of women. The USA Congress has a Bill being considered to ban RU486 'Holly's Law.' The Senate Commitee confirmed the figures we used are correct that RU486 has a death rate 10 times greater than women having surgical abortion (up to 8 weeks) as discussed by Prof Greene in the December 2005 edition of the Journal of New England Medicine. (from the AARU486 website) |